Online Core Clearing Breathwork

Journey Men and Dan Koch from the Australian School of Meditation and Breathwork (based in Caloundra) have partnered to deliver a free session for the members of Journey Men! We are excited to announce our online Journey Men Core Clearing Session!
This session is about becoming more emotionally intelligent, gently clearing away emotions that no longer serve you, feeling a sense of hope and promise for the future, and connecting with other men!
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM, Tuesday night, February 11
Register Now!
- A willingness to give it a go!
- A quiet space where you won’t be disturbed
- A comfy seat (this session should not be done lying down)
- A good internet connection and a phone or computer with a camera
[Book here] – More information:
I get it—emotions and men don’t always mix well. Men like to smash, drink, work, smoke, fight, play… anything but feel emotions! In our Western society, there’s a simple reason for this: most of us were never taught how to process emotions.
Phrases like “Boys don’t cry,” “Don’t be a sissy,” “Harden up, princess,” and “Suck it up! Drink some concrete and harden up” come to mind. But this mindset doesn’t help.
Emotions are real. Emotions are powerful—Energy in Motion (“E”-motion). Think about the energy released when we cry or express anger. It’s palpable and visceral—our breathing becomes shallow, our heart rate soars, and we sweat. Or when we are happy and in love, serotonin rises, and we feel amazing!
All of this is the result of energy in motion—E-motion.
Now, imagine experiencing a strong E-motion (sadness, anger, hurt) and not releasing it. This energy stays stuck in the body at a cellular level. Over time, it can shape the way we see the world and dictate our decisions. Something minor might happen, and suddenly, it triggers that stored E-motion, making us react disproportionately.
Take my dad (bless him) as an example. I remember, as a small boy, eating a packet of chips on the floor while watching TV with him. He absolutely lost it over the noise of the chip packet, yelling at me with a vicious tone to be quiet. Looking back, I realize that his reaction was completely out of proportion. Now, I understand—he had (or still has!) repressed emotions that were triggered by that sound.
As a little boy, I had been taught not to be a sissy, so I swallowed my fear and guilt while eating those chips. (No wonder I comfort-ate chips for 40 years!) If only my dad had done the work to process his E-motions, he could have lived a much happier life.
That’s where Core Clearing Breathwork comes in!
Core Clearing Breathwork is a gentle yet powerful breathing technique that allows us to connect with and release our emotions safely. This release brings a sense of lightness—like dropping a heavy load we’ve been carrying for years. It’s a great relief! Many people (myself included) have gained profound insights into their lives and experienced deep feelings of peace, love, and freedom through this process.
Core Clearing Breathwork can help you:
- Master stress and anxiety—find inner peace, happiness, and harmony
- Improve self-esteem—gain self-love and self-worth
- Boost self-confidence—be more outgoing at work, home, and socially
- Overcome overwhelm and hopelessness—gain enthusiasm and freedom
- End loneliness and isolation—connect with others and build loving relationships
- Find clarity—gain a clear sense of direction in life
- Overcome addictions—take back control of your life
- Improve sleep—enhance well-being and vitality
- Heal tiredness and fatigue—gain the energy to live life fully