I was 18 years old when I joined The Journeymen. When I joined it was a simple social group for guys. I was at a very low point in my life when I attended my first catch up. I had just moved from South Africa to Australia, I had no friends, I dropped out of high school, couldn’t afford university due to the foreign fees and didn’t have a job. But then Will offered me an opportunity to build the group into something more. Fast track, I am now the founder, Treasure and project manager of a charity we started together, at the mere age of 18. Building this group, volunteering and doing my bit for the community has given me a new sense of purpose in life. My friends are no longer just a social circle but a brotherhood. When Will first asked me why I wanted to help him build The Journeymen he asked me why. Why do I personally want to do it? I had an inclination when he asked me that. I replied. “Because it’s the honorable thing to do.”